Estate Planning
Think of estate planning as a roadmap. Your estate plan is a guide for taking care of your family and leaving a little something special for your heirs. It’s about passing on the values you’ve poured into your kids and grandkids. Your estate plan is your way of making sure your legacy reflects how you want your loved ones and community to remember you.

Estate Planning
Think of estate planning as a roadmap. Your estate plan is a guide for taking care of your family and leaving a little something special for your heirs. It’s about passing on the values you’ve poured into your kids and grandkids. Your estate plan is your way of making sure your legacy reflects how you want your loved ones and community to remember you.
What Do You Want Your Legacy To Be?
Your legacy is the most important thing you leave behind. It is how you want to be remembered, and it goes beyond just leaving stuff to your family or favorite causes. How organized your estate plan is, what things you leave to each person or charity and the guidance you give them communicates your care, concern and love for them, but it also communicates the values you most cherished.
Your legacy is how you will be remembered, and your estate plan allows you to impact what you will be remembered for. Sadly, too many legacies include bitterness, family strife and hurt feelings. But done properly, your estate plan can bind a family together, communicate your love and aid your heirs in working together and passing along your values to the next generation.
Estate planning is too important to be a neglected after thought. There are a lot of mistakes you can make in estate planning and it deserves your attention and commitment since it will be the last thing you communicate to your family.
Our Estate Planning Services
Our estate planning advisors are experts at aligning your estate plan with your financial plan and goals. We help cover a wide range of estate planning services that can help mitigate risks and complications for you loved ones.
- Protect Your Family
- Lesson Your Family's Burden
- Minimize Taxes
- Protect Your Legacy
- Reinforce Your Values
- Avoid Probate
Protect Your Family
Protecting your family includes providing for them so that they are financially prepared. Depending on the age and life stage of your heirs, providing for them will look different.
Protecting your family also encompasses giving them tools in the estate plan to lessen the impact of creditors, lawsuits and divorces. These tools are among the most important parts of your estate plan.
Lesson Your Family's Burden
When you pass, your family will inevitably feel the emotional burden of losing you. A well crafted estate plan lessons this burden by guiding them during this difficult time.
If you pass without leaving detailed instructions about where key assets or documents can be found or what should be done with your assets and other possessions, then you’re adding a burden on them at a time of severe emotional stress. Utilizing an estate planning checklist can be helpful in gathering these important documents.
Minimize Taxes
Depending on the size of your net worth, your passing may expose your family to unnecessary taxes. Fortunately, the tax code provides tools to help your family avoid some of these taxes.
By creating an estate plan, you can reduce, and in some instances eliminate, capital gains taxes, estate taxes and generation skipping taxes. With some of these estate planning tools, you can eliminate taxes for several generations.
Protect Your Legacy
Don’t let your legacy be defined by neglect. Your estate plan allows you to show your family how important they are to you. Failure to develop a specific estate plan for your family is often interpreted as uncaring.
You’ve loved your family in life; your estate plan allows you to show you love them even after you’re gone. Protect this valuable legacy.
Reinforce Your Values
Most parents or grandparents work hard to instill moral and cultural values in their kids and grandkids. An estate plan can help reinforce these values.
Your estate plan lets you emphasize just how crucial these values are and helps shield younger heirs from some of their own possibly life-altering choices.
Avoid Probate
Without a basic estate plan, your estate will be subject to a probate process which imposes costs and delays on your family and makes the details of your financial situation available to the inquiring public.
Your estate plan can avoid unnecessary costs, speed up the transition process, and keep your financial affairs private.
As Seen In
Why Work With Us?
Without the guidance of a skilled estate planner, the odds are overwhelming that you will make a critical mistake which imposes costs, delays and potential heavy taxes on your family.
The estate tax code has similar specific rules which if violated can ruin your family’s financial future. You will never have enough time to get up to speed on all the options available to you, let alone all the specific rules which need to be followed. An experienced estate planner will be invaluable in navigating through this process.
Obviously, you want an experienced advisor – a firm which has done this type of planning before. At First Financial Consulting, we have been creating estate plans for our clients for over 45 years. Our estate planning services have stood the test of time, and we’ve repeatedly seen clients succeed in protecting their families and establishing a lasting and loving legacy.
Beyond experience, though, it is important to use a fiduciary estate planning advisor. Being a fiduciary means that we provide our clients with 100% objective advice.
Estate planning should not be the time when a product salesperson, claiming to be an “advisor,” sells you various financial products to pocket substantial commissions.
First Financial Consulting practices a fiduciary fee-only approach. This means all the advice we give our clients is always in their best interest – not ours. It also means we won’t try to sell any financial products or make commissions on the advice we give.
Estate Planning FAQs
Estate planning is the process of arranging and managing one's assets during their lifetime and ensuring the orderly distribution of those assets upon their death. The primary goals of estate planning are to minimize taxes, provide for the financial security of loved ones, ensure that assets are distributed according to the individual's wishes, and establish your legacy.
Estate planning is critically important because it impacts your family for generations, and there are no do-overs.
If you have a net worth of any significance, then how you pass along your assets will impact your spouse, your kids, and most likely several generations beyond. Planning successes or mistakes may be magnified down through the generations. This is your opportunity to make a lasting impact.
Because most of your estate plan kicks in after you have passed, there are no “do-overs”. In other planning areas, if a mistake is made one year, you can usually take corrective action next year. Even when you’ve passed, your family can still make adjustments to how much they save, how they invest, etc. But with estate planning, there is no chance to change your plan once you’ve passed. Many elements of an estate plan become locked in place at your passing.
The time to get this right is now. Don’t let tragedy strike and leave your family with the wrong estate plan. Carelessness like this can easily tarnish the legacy you want to create.
Estate planning is not exclusively for wealthy, high-net-worth families. While the specific components of an estate plan may vary from simple to complex based on factors such as financial circumstances, family dynamics, and personal preferences, virtually everyone can benefit from some level of estate planning. Even in the simplest of situations, you should be the one to determine how your assets are distributed.
If you want to have control over the distribution of their assets, provide for loved ones, and address potential challenges or uncertainties in the future, then estate planning provides a huge benefit to almost everyone.
Estate planning costs vary based on the complexity of the plan. At the simplest end of the spectrum you might just need a will, power of attorney for assets and power of attorney for healthcare. Much of this can be done online at minimal expense.
At the more complex end of the spectrum where you want to protect heirs from creditors, lawsuits and divorce actions, where you want to avoid estate taxes, and where you want to establish a broad legacy, you may need several layers of trusts or need to establish a family corporation or partnership. Each of these should be priced separately, so you can choose what you want to pursue, and when, in order to control costs.
The essential estate planning documents you will need include:
- Last Will and Testament: Directs the distribution of your assets and appoints an executor to manage your estate.
- Living Trust: Manages your assets during your lifetime and allows them to transfer to beneficiaries without going through probate.
- Durable Power of Attorney: Assigns someone to handle your financial affairs if you’re unable to do so.
- Healthcare Proxy (Medical Power of Attorney): Allows a trusted person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you’re incapacitated.
- Advance Healthcare Directive (Living Will): Specifies your preferences for medical treatments and end-of-life care.
- HIPAA Release Form: Provides access to your medical records for designated individuals.
- Beneficiary Designations: Ensures assets like retirement accounts and life insurance go to your chosen recipients.
- Digital Assets Inventory: Lists your online accounts and passwords to help manage your digital presence after death.
These documents work together to ensure your financial, medical, and personal wishes are honored, offering peace of mind for you and your loved ones.
Estate planning has been used for many years by insurance companies as a means of selling life insurance and annuities which carry hefty commissions. As you decide how you want to protect your family and as you review the many options available to you, you will want to know that the advice you receive in this complicated process is in your best interest.
The only way to truly ensure that the advice you receive is in your best interest is to work with a 100% objective fiduciary advisor who does not sell any financial product and who does not accept any commissions which compromises their objectivity.
Protect Your Future
Your legacy goes far beyond your assets. Ensure that legacy carries on through future generations. Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with one of our Estate Planning Experts Today.
Protect Your Future
Your legacy goes far beyond your assets. Ensure that legacy carries on through future generation. Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with one of our Estate Planning Experts Today.