Bench Talk: Don’t Ignore Your Finances

don't ignore your finances

One of the biggest concerns couples have is how to talk about their finances. When it comes to money and finances, this question almost always hits the top five list.

So, how should couples talk about finances? Well first, it’s important to ask these three questions: What? How? and When?

First, you need to determine what you are specifically going to talk about when it comes to your finances. Start by asking questions like what are you goals together?  What are your dreams?  What are your concerns?  Questions like these are crucial for you and your spouse to get on the same page.

Next, it’s important to ask how. How will you talk about your finances? The environment in which you talk about your finances needs to be open, safe, and honest.

Lastly, you need to ask when.  When should you talk about your finances. You need to set up a consistent time for you to discuss your finances together. Whether it be weekly, monthly, or even quarterly, you need to set apart specific time to talk about your finances.

Finances are not easy to talk about, but they are a crucial part to any relationship. You can’t stick your head in the sand and hope they will somehow sort themselves out. Learn how to effectively talk about your finances.

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